I'm sure all of you are wondering what I have been up to these last two weeks and I just want to inform everyone that I'm having a lot of breakthroughs! So many lies that I believed in are being exposed into the light and I'm about to repent and move on. Today I rediscovered (in my heart) that the Gospel is simple, but we make it so complicated. Our job as Christians is to wake up every morning being convince of God's love for us and to respond to it throughout the day. AHHH How amazing is that?!?!? We can't do anything earn or prevent God's love for us. Its a gift! I'm so sick of Religion... We need to live by God's love in order to bring the Kingdom of God, but instead we live for God's love and it causes us to strive.
Exciting News: My total outreach cost is 5,500 and the remaining balance I owe is 1,400. I have until November 27 to raise that money and this is the first time ever that I'm not even worried about how I'm going to get it. God is so real and if I truly believe in the Gospel...it would be a slap to God's face thinking he can't provide that little amount!!!!! He is sooo faithful and I'm thrilled to see where or how that money is going to get to me. Please keep me in your prayers, and if you feel like you want to partner up with me, just let me know! Thank you all for your support and prayers! Praying really does change reality...He hears us!