Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Im in South Africa
Friday, December 9, 2011
Last Lecture Week
-break off the spirit of laziness and apathy
Friday, November 25, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Outreach locations
1. Myanmar
2. Japan
3. Cambodia
4. India/sri Lanka
5. Columbia/chile
6. Us virgin Island
7. Mozambique/south Africa
8. Rwanda
9. Cambodia/vietnam
10. South Africa
I felt like God told me to pick these three countries
1. Mozambique/South Africa (Mozambique is the poorest country in the world)! hahah this would be my first choice!
2. South Africa
3. Columbia/Chile
I find out where my outreach is on Monday....
I know I told everyone I wanted to go to Rwanda and I still do, but God directed me in a different way.
This week is Corporate Week and this means all the dts have lecture and worship together. The reason for this is because Loren Cunningham and his wife are here teaching the lecture. Its amazing! My favorite thing Loren said in the lecture was, "Your cross is when you give up your rights for the sake of Gods love." The areas I felt called to give up my rights were reputation, money, and marriage!
Also for this week the United Pursuit Band is here to lead worship and this band is fantastic. When they sang the song, "Break every chain," I literally felt like all my chains broke off. I felt so much Joy, Peace, and freedom as I worship the Living God. I was dancing and jumping and shouting, and the best part about it, I didn't care what anybody thought of me! It was awesome!
Fun Fact: Loren Cunningham, founder of YWAM, has been to every country in the World! AMAZING!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
The life of a YWAM student :)
Saturday, October 1, 2011


Friday, September 30, 2011
In Kona Hawaii
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Everything is falling into place
My Car Wash Fundraiser was a success because God showed up and provided in a few ways. The main reason why because at the end of the day I walked away with $651.00. How cool is that?!? Our God is so faithful to all of the promises he gave to us. Not only did he provide financially, but emotionally too. The devil was trying to get me down by putting thoughts in my head, "No one likes you Kimberly or why bother with this fundraiser? no one will show up and offer their time to help out." God totally smashed those lies into pieces and threw it into a pit of fire. Satan is full of lies, but God stands in victory, and nothing can change that. This Fundraiser was a success because God used it to give generously and to bring me closer to him emotionally. What a successful day!
I just want to thank everyone who helped out or stopped by to get their car wash! I also want to thank those who spread the word out to their friends and family about my fundraiser. And finally, I want to thank you all for prayers because God heard and answered.
29 days until I departure! and 29 days I have to raise 3000 dollars! Can God do it? Heck yes he can... no more doubting the Living God. I have been so foolish. How many times does God have to prove himself to me that he is going to provide for me? First, he provided a home for myself where I dont have to pay rent nor is it a stressful environment. Second, he provided a second job, so I can make more money. Third, this second job is a dental receptionist and my boss told me that my job will be waiting for me when I get back because I was honest about leaving in three months. Fourth, everything is falling into place to go on this 6 month trip! Praise God!
Love your sister in Christ,
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Preparing for My Mission Trip
Hey everyone!
I can't believe I'm leaving in 56 days to go on this crazy adventure. It doesn't seem real. My whole life I just picture myself as someone who was not capable of doing anything with their life. Its a very depressing thought, but that is exactly how I felt. Now that God is in my life, (he had restored me) he is giving me these amazing desires to go to all nations and share the good news! And to just think that I'm actually doing this, gives me great joy and I'm not even there yet!
How I need to prepare for this 6 month trip:
1. People that I can count on for Prayer
- Rely only on God's strength
- To be open and allow God to work in my life even if requires change
- for my Safety and health
- To have peace and comfort as I prepare for this trip
- I want to be stretch in my faith
- My financial support...Ask God to Provide
- To keep my focus on God
2. I need to raise $9,995 (its alot of money and it doesn't seem realistic, but God is calling me to do this and it requires alot of Faith) SO far I have raised $970...praise GOD! I have saved $3000 from my personal income, but logically I can't save this amount of money by the time I leave. I just ask you to pray about it and if you feel like God is calling you to donate to me.... this is how you can donate:
Go to-->https://apply.uofn.edu/OnlineAppDocs/OnlinePayment.cfm
Last name: Altree
First: Kimberly
Email: Kimberlyaltree9@yahoo.com
B-day: 08-21-1990
School: DTS-Compassion
Year: Sep 2011
Select outreach
I won't know who donates, so if you would like a thank you letter please let me know!
Thank you for all your love and support. :)